Dear Friends,
Please be preparing to meet the Lord and each other in 2 weeks.
Here is a promise to claim: "The convocations of the church, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of the home church, and all occasions where there is personal labor for souls, are God's appointed opportunities for giving the early and the latter rain.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 508 (1897). LDE 188.1"
Following is the latest info:
Northern Maine Campmeeting August 8-12, 2023
Speakers include Phodidas Ndamyumugabe (Author: Preaching From The Grave), Taariq Patel (Pastor in Iowa and brother to Adam), and our health team including Dr. Zach and Kim Mazone and Josiah and Ashley Wannemacher.
Health talks include: Simple Home Remedies, Hydrotherapy For The Family, and Growing A Medicinal Garden
The youth will be led by Jermaine and Asenath Gayle
We still don't have an occupancy permit for the main building but anticpate using the facility as in prior years. Please keep it in your prayers.
Please note registration form on the side of this webpage
Questions/concerns: Please contact sister Karen Cunningham @ 207-794-3091 or

Sabbath — we will be having “haystacks” for lunch please contact Pam Record as to what to bring.
Camp Rules and Cautions
Please drive 10 MPH on campus roads especially at the entrance of the CEC property for dust control and neighborly goodwill. Our children need to attend their meetings or be with their parents.
Parents, please be with your children whenever they are around the ponds for safety sake.
We have bikes for the children and youth to use: please use helmets when riding the bike and return the bikes to their proper place.
Please keep pets on a leash and clean up after them. Thank you.
There will also be a baptism at 3:00 PM.
Please pray for our speakers, the Holy Spirit’s presence, safety during campmeeting, and spiritual blessings, and new friendships, try to meet someone new every day.
Please Consider The Following Recommendations:
The camp meeting codes should be respected and followed as a way to facilitate a meaningful and organized camp experience in which attendees will be able to strengthen a closer walk with our Lord.
- We encourage the formation of Christ-centered friendships. We also encourage time spent with our Best Friend. He wants to hear from us.
- We encourage parents and guardians to account for their children at all times. We hope that this campmeeting will be a blessing to them as well as to us. The blessings are to be had in the meetings. And we encourage parents to encourage their children to attend their meetings.
- We encourage all parents and guardians to be aware of the pond and river that are accessible on the campgrounds and that children should not be left unattended to wander these areas without parental supervision. The banks by the pond are steep and the pond (ex-gravel pit) itself is very deep.
- We encourage everyone to eat at designated times and at designated areas, to help minimize distractions to presenters, speakers and the worship service.
- All are encouraged to be respectful to speakers and other camp meeting attendees during the meetings. Please minimize distractions, avoid visiting, and ensure that electronic devices are not disturbing others during sessions or classes.
- We encourage everyone to be respectful of other people’s personal space and to avoid verbal, physical, and emotional abuse.
- We encourage everyone to be mindful of the CEC's and other people’s property and to avoid any willful or negligent destruction of items and structures.
- We encourage all to promote a safe environment. Please be aware of others when using tools, knives or other items that may cause physical harm or injury.
- To help promote the goals and atmosphere of the camp we encourage everyone to avoid bringing any of the following items: card games, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, or objectionable reading materials.
- We encourage everyone to dress modestly and in a manner that is befitting Godliness.
- We encourage pet owners to practice simple camping pet etiquette to not allow dogs, cats or other animals to become a nuisance to others, to help minimize distractions to presenters and listeners during the meetings.
- We encourage all to observe the 10MPH speed limit when entering the campgrounds and while driving around the campground for the safety of all and to avoid causing dust issues for our neighbors.
- May God richly bless us so that we can bless others. Share what you learned with someone else. You remember what you share.